
Story: Who's Responsible For The Dumbing-Down Of America?Total Replies: 4
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Dec 27, 2005
1:27 PM EDT
Lol helios, you really need a break from trying to support all those n00bs.

Dec 27, 2005
4:10 PM EDT
I commend you for what you do. The question I ask someone who thinks they might want to try Linux out is,

"Do you want more control over your computer?"

I have had all but two or three people answer "What do you mean?"

I do not waste my time on them. Someone who has no concept of having control over a computer is too far behind the learning curve for me to help.


Dec 27, 2005
4:21 PM EDT

Write off the ones that keep asking "Why can't it be like Windows?" They will not stop until GNU/Linux is a bit for bit copy of MS Windows. Virus capabilities included, because they can't do without a virus scanner. Just tell them to go back to Windows and learn how to clean it up, as you don't do Windows.



Dec 28, 2005
6:32 AM EDT
As it happens, I have lost count on how many have asked me..."but, are you SURE I don't need a virus scanner? That doesn't sound right to me."

It is when it gets to THAT point that I follow your Sage Advice and tell them to go back to Windows. Odd thing that...it is only a matter of a few weeks or a couple of months before I hear back from them with a new attitude.


Dec 28, 2005
10:39 AM EDT
"but, are you SURE I don't need a virus scanner? That doesn't sound right to me."

You know helios, that's the direct result of constant TV advertising by AOL and other major Windows portal suppliers. They must run those ads 20++ times a day, and, we're seeing how successful that kind of misinformation can be on the non technical general public. Trade in all of your little virus for the mother of all... how sad...

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