Really, that's an operation already in progress

Story: Ten predictions for the new yearTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Dec 28, 2005
10:54 PM EDT
Said developers have been jerked around a fair bit, and many of them are seeing Microsoft branching out into various application spaces... including their own.

Bad move. Bad, Microsoft, Bad. Cutting off your nose to feed your face. Not the best long-term strategy, is it?

Oracle were happy enough to recommend MS-Windows alongside everything else as a platform for Oracle, but when MS started muscling into Oracle's application space, the gloves came off, and now Oracle is very happy about Linux.

Sift through a few news stories over the past year or two and you'll see this story repeated again and again: Microsoft's greed and arrogance are driving away their partners, and pushing the "neutrals", forcing them to face their peril (the oncoming marketing juggernaut) as never before, which in turn causes them to turn in terror to ABM (Anything But Microsoft).

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