What, you mean people still use that stuff?...

Story: Are You Replacing Windows with GNU/Linux?Total Replies: 0
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Jan 01, 2006
7:21 PM EDT
"Windows"? What's that? Oh, is that the bloated thing that came installed with my laptop so that I could update its BIOS with the Windows-only BIOS flash tool before I wiped it and installed Gentoo?... (Got to give HP/Compaq credit here - despite the usual obnoxious "HP Recommends WIndows XP" nonsense plastered across the web pages, the BIOS update actually specifically and explicitly addressed an issue with using LINUX on my shiny new Compaq V2410US box, so at least they know people are using it on their systems and care enough to fix problems.) I, too, kept Windows around for about a year after switching to Linux, specifically for Windows-only games. Then I realized (as someone on Slashdot once said in their .sig) that the computer WAS the game. I've been Windows-free ever since. That was back around 1998...

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