good job

Story: GNU/Linux vs Microsoft on Research & Development: What's the Truth?Total Replies: 2
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Jan 13, 2006
1:45 PM EDT
Nicely written piece, well said.

I concur with your line of questioning on how this 'so-called' R&D is spent, and right, how much of that is pure operational overhead (a number we'll never see) ? So I think it's downright disingenuous for MS to promote these 'facts' without any way to see them in context.

I don't know, but I recall MS claims to have and hire many young, energetic and 'brilliant' people into their ranks, and that may continue to be true, but somewhere up the ranks, the brainpower and optimism seems to be squashed out by Marketdroid tactics and kind of an inbred 'arrogance'. It's sad really. It ends up manifesting itself in a bunch of mid-level Ballmer-like 'yes men' who'll say and do anything to promote a really inferior set of products. MS is not the best software company in the world, they are (arguably) the best _marketing_ company ever. They shine sh-- like nobody's business. MS is nothing about software, they are all about "keeping Ballmer happy", and it shows, doesn't it ?

IMHO, they seem to think very little of and have very little respect for the day-to-day, hard-working IT managers and administrators out there, or heck, even casual home users of their software. They care only for their bottom line and stock price.

Jan 13, 2006
2:03 PM EDT
Quoting:IMHO, they seem to think very little of and have very little respect for the day-to-day, hard-working IT managers and administrators out there, or heck, even casual home users of their software.

I'm reminded of the movie Chinatown, when Jack Nicolson's character asks John Houston's character, "how much is enough?"

Oh, I forgot. I thought of that movie. Maybe I supposed to make a micropayment to someone? I played it in my head. That's a Linux device right? DRM for the brain?

Now, I'm all confused :)

Do I own it or what? Well, maybe I just have a license to watch it. I don't know. What is it?

Jan 13, 2006
7:19 PM EDT
Well done, D. C. You too Tom. Your last two articles are truly masterpieces. As for the confusion, the Hopi's have a word for what's going around these days: Koyaanisqatsi! It means variously: 1. Crazy life. 2. Life out of balance. 3. A way of life, which if not changed will lead to destruction. From the movie by the same name. Have courage brothers. Yes the struggle has been long & sometimes wearisome. As I understand that, it merely means that we are that much closer to victory. May God bless you, and all who love liberty, justice, truth, and honor everywhere this year. Cheers. joel

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