you don't understand communism

Story: Byebye Google.Total Replies: 7
Author Content

Jan 28, 2006
5:31 PM EDT
When you have power to the few in such a government, *THEY* have the power, and can easily screw google completely out of the picture.

China doesn't need google. Google can either comply, or they might as well just stop developing their chinese webpage cause they won't need it.

China's not afraid to show it's communist ways. Mao slaughtered 65 million of his own people, and of course there's Tiananmen Square. Just recently the chicom government was doing land grabs. Nothing's changed.

Jan 28, 2006
6:09 PM EDT
half: For clarification, are you looking at communism - not as a generic concept - but as practiced by a centralist government? Perhaps delineated by more of a militaristic elitist regime than by a mere difference between who owns the means of production?

Jan 29, 2006
4:10 AM EDT
-----------are you looking at communism - not as a generic concept - but as practiced by a centralist government?------------

I'm looking at both. Every time the generic concept is put into play it turns out militaristic. Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, China, Cuba, USSR...... Have you forgotten Milosevic's genocide? It took american intervention to put an end to that.

The only way you can go around telling people "you no longer own what you own" is by strong-arm taking it. That requires force of militarism. Who's just gonna give up their land?

The Venezuelan government is also doing land grabs.

Jan 29, 2006
7:43 AM EDT
OK. This thread is off-topic to LXer but I appreciate your clarification.

Jan 29, 2006
4:02 PM EDT
I fail to see how it's off-topic. The opinion article is all about China's oppression.(and google's brown nosing of it's government)

Funny how it doesn't mention what China's government is..... yet the oppression is caused *DIRECTLY* because of it.

If China were capitalist, this wouldn't be happening.

Google's actions are not the cause. They are the effects of the cause. Each cause and effect can be traced, "what cause that" "well what caused that" "well what caused that". At the very core is communism.

Jan 29, 2006
5:41 PM EDT
half: It's off topic based on our terms of service.

"Discussion and debate of a political or religious nature is not allowed on the site."

I'm not going to moderate the thread unless it goes into further discussion. You made your point and that's all we need to say about it. Let's leave it at that. Sal Paradise is a LXer editor from the UK and he wrote the article. A little discussion seems appropriate. We just don't need to get into a debate about it. I would appreciate just moving on. Thanks.


Jan 30, 2006
5:48 AM EDT

Jan 30, 2006
6:31 AM EDT

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