When Will Web Designers Learn?

Story: Linux XP Desktop 2006 ScreencastTotal Replies: 4
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Jan 30, 2006
5:00 AM EDT
Bummer - requires flash. When will Web site designers learn that not everyone can use flash? How about a non-flash version of the site?

To those allowed to use flash, can someone post: how was the article?


Jan 30, 2006
5:33 AM EDT
It was just a movie of each menu and the "K" menu.

The shots at: [url=http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=522&slide=17&title=linux xp 2005 screenshots]http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=522&...[/url] are still at Lin xp 2005 but the look and feel is the same as in the flash animation.

The shots in this article are comparable to what you would see at OSDIR.com just in animated format. So there's nothing that you're really missing. Take any KDE destop and move the mouse around the menus and you'll see pretty much the same thing. THis just has a Windows XP/95 kind of look to it.


Jan 30, 2006
10:38 AM EDT
Hello number6x -


Regards, gewb

Jan 30, 2006
11:34 AM EDT
I could be wrong about this, but...

I don't think that's a KDE desktop. I believe it's XPDE which is a new window manager written in Kylix to immitate Windows XP.

Am I wrong?

Jan 30, 2006
11:48 AM EDT
Sure could be.

I never used xp linux, just watched the flash animation. Didn't see anything that you wouldn't see in kde, or a dozen other windows managers.

The website is cyrillic and the developers seem to be russian and latvian. I don't read Russian (or latvian), so I don't know what window manager they use. http://www.linux-xp.ru/

Distro watch isn't clear, but the kde libraries are all there: http://distrowatch.com/linuxxp

Distro watch says there is a gnome version as well, and that the distro is redhat/fedora based.

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