Please Reconsider These Designs

Story: Help LXer choose our new logoTotal Replies: 7
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Feb 15, 2006
11:41 AM EDT
They are all uncomfortably reminiscent of the Nazi swastika and the German Iron Cross - both in shape and the use of the red and black colors - the first 8 particularly so. Perhaps more emphasis on the L and less on the X would help as well as a change of colors.

Not trying to make trouble - just head it off.


Feb 15, 2006
11:45 AM EDT
I just made same comment on another thread. I concur

Feb 15, 2006
11:46 AM EDT
Me too.

Feb 15, 2006
11:48 AM EDT

They all stink quite a bit. Make me feel a time warp back to World Wars.

Feb 15, 2006
1:28 PM EDT
it's strange that all variations would look so fascist.

the typography is also quite poor.

the current logo is better than all 12.

why not just tweak and improve the existing logo? don't add any symbols.

Feb 15, 2006
1:32 PM EDT
I was heading towards the same conclusion myself, and trying to find a polite way to put it.

The title for #10 looks good, though, if you ignore the Iron Cross next to it.

Dave, you might try playing with superimposing the L and X in various fonts and positions, like a bind-rune. The X might bisect the L's stem, or might produce an asterisk effect where the L's baseline is a horizontal strike through the X. For a less static effect, try using italics so there's an active-looking slant to the composite.

If you push the letters over into a program that's got bezier curves, you can play with slightly deforming the superimposed letters from their standard font shapes to make them more agreeable with each other. Often that means elongating serifs and such; a little goes a long way. Then print out the initial batch and take a pencil to 'em and see what you get, and take those ideas back to the screen.

Can you deform the bindrune's curves enough to suggest a penguin outline?

Remember that fonts which have really thin elements don't reduce well; the thin elements tend to drop out. For a workable logo, the stroke differences might have to be really subtle.

Feb 15, 2006
2:39 PM EDT
I was going to create a post saying exactly the same thing, when I found this one. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks that these logos are all too reminiscent of the Nazi swastika. Forgive me for saying so but, what the bloody hell were you guys thinking?

Feb 15, 2006
3:31 PM EDT
what the bloody hell were you guys thinking?


I some ways this is a good thing. Not by itself but the fact that the emblems of that horrible time has faded from the newer generations consciousness.

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