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Story: Security wars: Novell SELinux killer rattles Red HatTotal Replies: 1
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Feb 27, 2006
6:08 AM EDT
Quoting:“Is this the beginning of the Unix wars all over again?” Walsh asked on a Live Journal blog he opened to express his views on the subject.

In the early 1990s and late 1980s, different Unix vendors developed tools and applications that would only work with their own versions of Unix, later forcing them to expend considerable effort on cross-platform versions of these programs. As a result, Microsoft Corp. was able to gain significant market share by offering a single platform, with Windows NT, that could work across a wide variety of hardware.

I may very well be missing something but doesn't the fact that Novell released the source code kill the concept of apps that only work with specific versions of Linux?

Feb 27, 2006
6:20 AM EDT

> I may very well be missing something but doesn't the fact that Novell released the source code kill the concept of apps that only work with specific versions of Linux?

Yes. It's obvious the person doesn't really "get it". As long as both code bases are open source, the best solution will win. Or, more likely, those who are best served by each solution will use it. It's not an either/or situation. Also, the fact that AppArmor is already being ported to Slackware more or less disproves the concept.

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