Recent Experience with M$ Predictability

Story: Microsoft's Hilf says Windows more reliable than LinuxTotal Replies: 4
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Mar 16, 2006
8:02 AM EDT
I am taking an Education Technology class, to learn how to use technology in the classroom. Our last assignment was to make a movie using Windows Movie Maker. Since I have dumped windows and I couldn't find a movie maker type application for Linux, if anyone knows of one please let me know, I busted out the G3 iBook and used iMovie. While doing the project my professor gave us time to work in class, and every computer crashed repeatedly, I just surfed the net since I had already finished mine on my 500mhz G3 with no crashing. But just as predicable as all other windows apps, you could count on after doing about 5-7 minutes of work your computer was going to lock up tight. I know predictability is great but I don't want to count on my computer crashing every few minutes.

Mar 16, 2006
9:38 AM EDT
Ever hear of Kino? Try this link: it's from Linux Journal. Right now nothing is coming up from that site. I scanned the article when it was published and there was some disagreement as to how ready the software really was in subsequent comments. It's been quite a period since it was published, hence, it may have improved considerably.

Mar 16, 2006
9:40 AM EDT
Here is a better link, to the Kino site directly:

Mar 16, 2006
9:47 AM EDT
Thanks for the link I am going to give it a try this weekend.

Mar 16, 2006
1:08 PM EDT
Recently, I converted a bunch of the local high school football team's mini-DV tapes of their games to DVD. Tried a bunch of things before realizing I was adding useless decoration to what should be a home-movie-like keepsake. 'dvdauthor' and Gimp turned out to provide almost everything I needed for -that- project.

Here are some video editing links picked up along the way: (avidemux may already be installed on your distro) (if you wanna get *serious* :) (has some old info mixed in) (needs updating) (DVD authoring, not movie making) (more on dvd authoring)

Just like other jobs, sometimes a GUI tool fits best and sometimes a CLI tool fits best.

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