The watch that every student wants

Story: Linux PC built for the wristTotal Replies: 6
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Mar 16, 2006
9:43 AM EDT
Wow, with this watch and a small blue tooth camera I could send my test to some one and they could give me the answers back. Are the testing centers now going to say that you cannot bring a watch into the testing center.

Mar 16, 2006
11:48 AM EDT
Wow! We can now make even more stupid people who will roam around the planet with 210 word vocabularies. Cool. Just give me your mastercard. G2G itz been fun dude. ;-)

Mar 16, 2006
12:16 PM EDT
I am currently studying to become a teacher at the secondary education level and common discussions in classes are ones about cheating, and how easy it has become to do it. Texting on cell phones made it cake, but if you ban cell phones then it makes it easy to regulate. If you see a phone they fail the test. But with this watch how can it be regulated? I liked it better when cheating involved some effort by the student, because at least they picked something up while making cheat sheets, and writing programs for their calculators. Oh well, I'll stop ranting now. We'll just have to try to instill a sense of desire to learn the material as opposed to just passing the test. Thanks for the reply it was very fun.

Mar 16, 2006
12:37 PM EDT
more practicals.

fewer form tests.

Of course most primary and secondary school funding is now based on how students do on form tests.

That #2 pencil lobby is probably bigger than the oil industry.


Mar 16, 2006
12:40 PM EDT
I'm glad you're going into teaching. I know it's challenging. I taught professionals for three years while on a golden parachute. I had to write my own curriculum.

I know cheating is a problem. At least when I went to college my friends had to get the numbers off the teachers locks to make keys. They would then have to get the test and copy it. Then they would have to look up the answers. So, it did require work. (-;

I taught a Sunday school class for kids once. They never paid attention. Every kid was doing some thing different like drawing, doodling, reading comics, throwing spit balls, etc. I hope you don't have to go through that.

I'd also like to see the reinstatement of corporal punishment in schools including shock treatment by a qualified school nurse or janitor.

The laws in the nation should also allow parents to beat their kids to a pulp with no repercussions.

How's that for a conservative, ultra right, hawk?

Do you like to water ski? I do. I just don't get out to the lake enough.

Scarcasm never works in comments. I hope you have a very dry sense of humor like TxtEdMacs who lives on the dark side.


Mar 16, 2006
1:19 PM EDT
Ahh... The Roman model ... Well, that does have advantages for some. Almost the same model that Bill's MS follows :D.

Mar 16, 2006
4:20 PM EDT
theboomboomcars: I am a Special Education major myself.

I am lucky that I do not have to deal with cheating like you do but I got a serious taste of what you go through my first semester of student teaching.

On a lark, I applied to Intern at my old High School and I got it! I was assigned to a 10th grade remedial science teacher. His classes were a mix of Special Ed kids and 'trouble' kids. When he introduced me to the class he told them that I was there to watch them. It wasn't until weeks later they figured out I was a student teacher. My age helped that too because I look like all of their teachers, I'm not a youngin'. I have many many cool stories to tell about that semester. The Teacher I was assigned to is one of the best teachers I have ever had the privilege to be a student of.

The point of the story? He scheduled his tests to coincide with the days I was there. The cheating subsided and their grades improved, not alot, but they all did better on the AIMS tests than they had before.

Just having a second person in the room can really help reign in the cheating in a class. It is easy for kids to get away with it when they only have to worry about one pair of eyes, but not two.

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