Fedora users: Just an Update from FC-3 to FC-5 Possible?

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 2
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Mar 18, 2006
7:05 AM EDT
Pressed for time, would just prefer to update, because a fresh install requires extra attention. Need to sync my machines quickly.

Anyone know with high certainty one way or the other?

Mar 18, 2006
8:01 PM EDT
Hello Hersche_Cohen,

I have used fron FC2 to FC4 and now onto FC5, unfortunately every time I googled the question you asked, all the search results seem to discourage an upgrade.

At present I have three computers , but I mirror a repository on one of them, this allows for very fast updates on all my computers. And allows you to also do fast net installs on your other machines.

I did run into a situation where all the packages were not present in the repositories I used in which case I downoaded the package and did a "yum localinstall " This only happened to me once and only involved a single package though.

Sorry I could not answer your question in a more positive fashion.

Best regards.

P.S. My repository computer is a 500 Mhz celeron with originally 128 mb ram , with a " server install" of Fedora Core 4. Now it has 192 mb ram and easily runs X windows with fluxbox.

Mar 19, 2006
6:27 AM EDT
jboyd - thanks for trying, I just may stick with FC-3 for the short period I will be using it. The news I heard else where was at best it was a two step process: first FC-4, then FC-5. I have a Windows (NT-5 takes two) partition on this machine and a fresh install would kill /home.

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