Someone should tell Bill Gates about the Ruling

Story: Wallace v. FSF - Wallace Loses, Must Pay CostsTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Mar 20, 2006
7:14 PM EDT
Quoting:[T]he GPL encourages, rather than discourages, free competition and the distribution of computer operating systems, the benefits of which directly pass to consumers. These benefits include lower prices, better access and more innovation.

Put that in your "Get the Facts" fat boy.

Mar 20, 2006
7:42 PM EDT

Get 'im, tadelste!

Mar 21, 2006
5:19 AM EDT
Isn't this pretty much what Microsoft argued in their anti-trust case?

I mean if they testified that Linux was a legitimate competitor, they must also believe that it is a legal and valid competitor.

If Microsoft has any doubt about the GPL, well their testimony before the federal Court must have been perjury!

So, based on their lawyer's arguments in Court, Microsoft believes the GPL is a valid license, and there are no legal or constitutional reasons that prevent Linux from being a legitimate competitor.

Unless Microsoft's lawyers were lying.

Mar 21, 2006
6:46 AM EDT
Quoting:If Microsoft has any doubt about the GPL, well their testimony before the federal Court must have been perjury!

Exactly. And as I recall, without a codified text of the trial, they perjured themselves on more than one occassion. Now, try to get a president loyal to the people who gave him money to enforce the law against Microsoft.

He would be sending a message to the other money givers: I won't take care of you. That would put a shiver through the owners of the means of production.

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