Pocket change, so far

Story: 60% Of Windows Vista Code To Be RewrittenTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Mar 24, 2006
1:01 PM EDT
>"Analysts estimate that Microsoft`s delays in releasing the next generation of its operating system, known as Vista, have cost it about $500 million."

MS Windows "Client" produced $6,646 million in revenue in the last 6 months of 2005. Hmm. Less than half a month's revenue lost. That kinda tells how much Microsoft has been skinning people with their essentially stagnant, 5 year old product, XP.

Mar 24, 2006
3:48 PM EDT
Still it is likely to upset their OEM providers who now must go through the holiday season without the new OS. How many people will withhold buying a new computer in order to wait for the new upgrade?

It seems unlikely to me that they will make the Feb 2007 date either. Most Linux distros will have about two upgrades in the interim period. The stalling tactic is wearing thin. Only their paid pundits are likely to keep believing.

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