The 60% looks bogus

Story: 60% Of Windows Vista Code To Be RewrittenTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Mar 25, 2006
11:08 PM EDT
There have been some reports that the 60% rewrite is bogus.

[edited to add:]

"David Richards, he of the "Up to 60% of Windows Vista needs to be rewritten" story, now says that a source at Acer Australia has confirmed his original story, although the new article remains fuzzy about exactly what Richards is talking about."

"You can view the 60-percent-Vista-rewrite story as something of a software development IQ test. Anyone who believes that it's conceivable is someone who hasn't got the most basic clue about how software development works."

Maybe that "source" was talking about 60% would be affected. If you go to

you find that the confirmation is another hear-say. "We have also been told that up to 60% of the code will have some form of re writing or changes made."

I have discovered independent confirmation that someone was told that breaking a chain email leads to viruses on AIX.

5 years to do 100%. 6 months (November for corporate) to do 60%? Let me hear it from a developer, not a reporter giving 2nd hand rumors.

(Either preview is broken or the auto-html-ization is).

Mar 25, 2006
11:33 PM EDT
Ok, so editing a post is completely screwed.

Link that was ripped out of the above:


Mar 26, 2006
2:09 AM EDT
Don't know if it's bogus or not, but I could see the decision going like this:

Executive 1: I think we should ship Vista out without any bad code. We can't tolerate any code that is insecure, buggy, non-performant, or otherwise unacceptable. So, how much of the Vista code is bad?

Executive 2: (Mumbles response)

Executive 1: Really? Ouch. Too expensive. Let's just fix 60% of the bad code.

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