Suits and Collegiates

Story: Ponytails Hurt Open Source, Peter Quinn SaysTotal Replies: 0
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Mar 30, 2006
6:03 AM EDT
Now, I'm not going to say that there aren't a fair share of collegiate looking types out there. Probably more-so in California with the more forgiving climate.

But seriously, he might want to check out the LW expo in Boston next week. While there might be a few pony tailed suits walking around you'll be hard pressed to find anyone matching the image that representation conjurs.

However, on a college campus in some warm climate it's probably more of a norm. Or heck, maybe even Australa in general. I've seen plenty of pony tailed sandal wearing surfers in assorted photos from the continent that had nothing to do with Linux.

Kinda at a loss to figure out what the comments were meant to convey...

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