should of been broken up

Story: U.S. Asks European Union to Be Fair in Microsoft CaseTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Mar 31, 2006
11:08 AM EDT
""Their lawyers mentioned the success of the settlement with the Department of Justice at least 15 times during their presentations today.""

should of been broken up into tiny pieces.

guess all that abramoff money didn't go to waste after all.

go lobbyists and preston gates - I would like to know the names of the MY government officials that used MY tax money to go over there to talk to the EU officials. And I would like to know who was the letter writer from MY government.

this is all just plain sickening - now we have the government doing microsoft's dirty work. guess we know who is boss.

Mar 31, 2006
5:01 PM EDT
Who is the boss? Damn, the thought is scary.. It's Bill Gates. He has money and therefore he obviously has the power, even over the US government.

Time to overthrown him!

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