on the phone to bill and steve

Story: Red Hat CEO likens Oracle to US car manufacturerTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 21, 2006
4:10 AM EDT
larry must of been on a conference call with bill gates, and steve ballmer.

the world is basically sick of winey rich boys who could care less about customers unless they come to him with a stack of money.

the world would survive without him, bill, and steve along with their software. so they better learn to play nice with others or just be quiet and behave themselves and let their customers decide what is best for themselves.

Apr 21, 2006
5:29 AM EDT
From the details given here:


I suspect that the Oracle JBoss deal fell through because Marc has as big an ego as Larry, and Larry treated him the way he seems to treat most people.

Larry is now throwing a fit at having been spurned, and is retaliating in the only way available to him. Red Hat is simply giving as good as it gets.

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