frist post! hang 'em high!

Story: What Would You Do If You Found a GPL ViolatorTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 22, 2006
1:31 PM EDT
Or, follow Don's sensible suggestion.

I'm not sure I'd be all that tender with "just a kid." Quite a few "just a kids" knowingly take advantage of such mercies. For example, several of my webmaster chums are quite fed up with because it's a hotbed of "just a kid" pestilence. The little vermin love to hotlink images. It's futile to politely explain why that is bad and please stop it, the only thing that works is cunning scripts that detect MySpace hotlinks and replace the hotlinked images with gigantic image files that take forever to load and crash browsers. The kewl part is the images are cunning magical 1k .jpgs that load in browsers as 10k x 10k images, so the bandwidth penalty is all on the user.


Apr 22, 2006
8:04 PM EDT
Very BOFH. I love it!

I'm not sure that I even get the conversation occuring there. Does the poster think that the GNU GPL horde is going to descend on this kid with automatic weapons and grab his computer? Visions of "Hackers" dancing in their heads maybe?

I mean, c'mon, the orginazation 'll be the FSF at worst, not the BSA. They'll take pains to explain to the software author what they're doing, why it's wrong, and what their options are. Those guys love to spread their dogma.

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