kick them out

Story: to Support Open Source Web Builder, Ruby on RailsTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Apr 22, 2006
5:45 PM EDT
Just kick them out. They did kick out several millions of happy Linux users for using some crappy windows version as server. So why not do the same to them...


Apr 22, 2006
6:00 PM EDT
Forgive me if I am wrong but most of the Domains that they moved over to the Windows Server are un-used domain names, are they not?

Personally I think it's funny that they would switch over a bunch of domains that have no owners or content associated with them to a server that will have security and maintenance issues.

I guess it can't hurt to have a boat load of Internet addresses on a Windows Server if there really isn't anything on it anyway.


Apr 23, 2006
5:55 PM EDT
It was a propaganda war by Microsoft they participated in willingly against Free Software. For that, they earned hate.

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