Google thumbs nose at linux community again

Story: Google offers free 3D modeling softwareTotal Replies: 2
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May 02, 2006
8:51 PM EDT
OK, I'll play along: why is this article posted here?

May 02, 2006
9:57 PM EDT
Even we need to know what Google is up to.

May 03, 2006
6:34 AM EDT
Google is a huge profit making company that is a darling of Wall Street investors.

One of the big keys to Google's profitability is that they run all of their networks on Linux. Their use of linux benefits us, even if all of their products don't work on Linux.

Google works on Linux, so I don't really care if Google Earth or Goole 3d work on Linux.

Other companies Like became profitable after switching their infrastructures to Linux.

An article about Google may not be as appropos as, say, an article about the features of the next kernel, but it does disprove a lot of the FUD about MS being cheaper than LInux.

Companies use Linux and they become more profitable, not waste money on upgrades and upkeep. Companies use Linux and they can spend time developing innovative products instead of chasing down malware. Companies can use Linux, and not have to license all the software they develop under the GPL, unless they want to.

Stories about Google's business often disprove Microsoft's "Get the FUD" talking points.

Oh yeah did I mention that Gogle makes money? This really gets the attention of the guys on Wall Street.

Google uses tens of thousands of Linux boxes to reduce their costs and increase their profits. They are a dot com that actually makes money thanks, in part, to Linux.

The more companies and investors that start getting this in their heads, the more companies and investors will back Linux. And Linux market share will grow.

As Linux Market share grows, products that support Linux will grow.

Give it time.

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