Good first step

Story: Sun Lends a Hand to Open SourceTotal Replies: 3
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May 05, 2006
4:21 PM EDT
Making it easy to ship the JVM with a Linux distribution is a great first step! It should be one click or less to install it on Ubuntu.

However, Java won't take off till it runs on all platforms Debian runs on. Java will need to be opened up to make it technically possible and to convince the various people to invest that effort.

An Open Source Java is a good thing and it will happen and is happening, but its much more efficient to build on top of Java's multiple VMs (desktop and several embedded ones) as a base. They are the most widely used and mature Java platforms.

When Java is freed, lets hope much more investment is done in it. Its time to retire C and C++. Mankind has invested hundreds of thousands of man-years in those languages and yet newer languages make developers 10x more efficient.

May 05, 2006
8:31 PM EDT
Don't retire them just yet. I'm not sure the kernel hackers would be happy switching to Java. :)

May 05, 2006
9:01 PM EDT
Why do I 'not' think that Sun and Java are the answer to programmers prayers...

May 06, 2006
1:32 AM EDT
We can leave the kernel in Java until the rest of the system is written in Java. Then we'll discuss it again. :-)

The kernel is 7M loc but Debian in total is 215M loc. If written in Java, you could throw away 150M loc because it is duplicate code.

Java isn't the answer to prayers, but it is a much more reliable (no memory leaks), safe (no buffer overruns), portable (no need to recompile), richer (reflection, stack walking), etc.

Part of the reason people think Java isn't that big a deal is because its not really getting much investment. If you had 50M loc of Java, you'd like it more.

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