
Story: Unix Methods and Concepts in the WildTotal Replies: 1
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May 05, 2006
7:37 PM EDT
It's probably bad form for me to comment, but AARRRGGGHH!

tuxchick2: You just want to rub my nose in my bad html. I couldn't figure out any way to script the extraction and so just scrolled through the whole pile of comments, deleting everything non-book related. It was scattered everywhere. That was followed by just search-and-replace to slap in <p> and <hr>. It's a shameful mess. The only consolation is it came from a bigger mess. (View source on http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20060430202220825 with comments set to "Flat" or "Nested" and you'll see).

May your ping lose its audibleness and become defective as mine.


May 08, 2006
6:50 PM EDT
Here I go disagreeing with you yet again- I just wanted to post a useful article. But hey, if you want it to suck, it's your baby. :) Honest, I didn't even look at the page code.

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