Keep on keeping on, DSL

Story: DistroWatch Weekly: New SUSE and FreeBSD releases, wrecking the Internet, DSL Linux interviewTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

May 08, 2006
8:23 AM EDT
"DW: Damn Small Linux has climbed to the 6th spot on the DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking list, indicating that there is plenty of interest in a small, fast distribution for older hardware. Do you think that the established Linux players have made a mistake by ignoring this area of computing?

RS: Yes, just like in $100 laptop debate. DSL would run great on that. I think that we have climbed up so high because the low(er) end of the market has been ignored. It seems to me, the "small is beautiful" has been forgotten. The new mantra is that we must look like, act like, and be like that 800lb gorilla. You know what I mean. It is everywhere. And code bloat is just as rampant."

Robert Shingledecker and John Andrews seem to 'get it'. Imitating the "800lb gorilla" just because it's everywhere is bizarre. Making it right is much more important and not suicidal.

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