My Favorite Quote from the Article:

Story: Linux down time may be due to missing documentation or changing ...Total Replies: 2
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Jun 09, 2006
7:05 AM EDT
"The poorest performing operating system was Debian GNU/Linux, while SUSE Linux from Novell had the best performance, even topping some of the big Unixes. But it's used so little as to be statistically irrelevant, said DiDio."

Yeah. Debian is the worst, especially since It received Carrier Grade stamp of approval...boy does it suck. Especially since Ubuntu runs on it. Especially since it's got more development in it than any other flavor of Linux. Worst my foot.

And Novell being statistically the UNITED STATES MAYBE...but not worldwide.

Second favorite quote: "DiDio said the only thing that could come close to mainframe performance is the high-end Unix systems from Hewlett-Packard, Sun and IBM. "And even that is debatable.""

Right! Like SCO Unix? This lady is too much. Coming from one analyst to another, she's the worst analyst of anything in the world. Mincing words, misleading perception. Present the facts, not twisted, and let your readers decide. Else, you aren't an analyst, you're a have a message intended to sway your audience. Now to find out what 'church' she ascribes the past it was SCO...but methinks she bailed on that ship to hop onto the M$ one.

All together, this 'analyst' sounds like a politician with too many lobbyists.

Jun 09, 2006
8:18 AM EDT

Mainframe reliability is...well...reliable.

Jun 09, 2006
10:28 AM EDT

I was referring to the "And even that is debatable" part. :D

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