Arrogance kills MS

Story: Computers can now speak Bhutan's DzongkhaTotal Replies: 1
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Jun 22, 2006
4:49 AM EDT
This is exactly why MS will eventually fall. They are arrogant, complacent and they don't respect their customers. Any vendor that doesn't honor the creed "Customer is King" is planning their own demise.

MS could have had a Dzongkha Windows version for Bhutan ready in notime, but they ignored the sovereign country, because a population 700,000 souls is small fish. Now they have another GNU/Linux stronghold on their hands.

If they keep being this arrogant, it will only be a matter of time before they can't use FUD campaigns to sweep successful GNU/Linux use under the rug in Europe and the USA. How many sovereing countries does it take before Europe and the USA can't ignore the fact that GNU/Linux is perfectly capable of catering to global needs?

Jun 22, 2006
1:39 PM EDT
I want to be clear in saying that I agree with you 100% and I think that you are right that eventually Microsoft is going to fall on hard times because of their attitude.

But. :-)

The problem is, that the U.S. in general and Microsoft included really don't care what the rest of the world thinks or feels, when it comes to sports, politics, culture, technology or anything else for that matter. The U.S is the most powerful country on the planet, they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, period. No one can stop them, everyone combined could not stop the U.S. from doing as they please. They know it and so does everyone else. I may not like it, you may not like it, but at this moment it is true.

The world watches our sports championships, FIFA? Soccer is boring right?

We make sure that other countries elections are 'fair', yet turn away the observers when we can't figure out who won in our elections? We have to have the Supreme Court NULLIFY the election and decide for themselves who should win.

U.S un-written rule #1: If you can't speak English and are not white, your really not that welcome. Sorry.

What is this? You found software other than Microsoft Windows that suits your needs? You must be either ignorant of how good Windows is, or you must be dangerous because it is much harder to keep track of what you have on your computer when you do not use Windows.

You all realize that when Microsoft implements their 'Trusted Computing' service that we are all going to be breaking the law by not running Microsoft Windows? Because you can't be trusted if you do not run Windows.

"You see, here at Microsoft we want to ensure that everything on your computer is 'Trusted Software'. If its not, then to protect you and everyone else we will disable those functions on your computer for you. That way you or someone else cannot cause harm."

Not to mention that a majority of all the 'content' that exists, whether it be Print, Music, Patents, Images or Video is either owned or controlled by American companies and individuals.

Most of this Planet sees and hears and watches what the U.S. wants them too. Everyone else is just mis-informed, hates the U.S. and/or do not speak English, and who cares what they think. Its not like they matter anyway.

Again, please understand my implied sarcasm is not my opinion in any way shape or form. It makes me sick to think that any of what I have suggested either has or may come to pass.

I am just really good at playing Devil's Advocate.

Honest. :-)

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