
Story: IT skills shortage — fact or fiction?Total Replies: 1
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Jun 26, 2006
2:39 AM EDT
It's been twenty years since I last got a job the old-fashioned way.

My current assignment came through a referral by a friend, and I was such a bad match -- at least in terms of what the HR people were looking for -- that we had to re-write my resume (after getting the offer) so that they could figure out how to enter me into their system.

Employers may, in fact, bypass many of the very best people by their idiotic hiring practices. They are so concerned that you "hit the ground running" that you'd think they weren't planning to be in business more than a few months.

The clueful ones understand that nobody hits the ground running. Every environment has things to learn before you truly come up to speed. An experienced and successful IT person will do that AND learn the very product specific things needed to succeed.

Jun 26, 2006
6:43 AM EDT
> Employers may, in fact, bypass many of the very best people by their idiotic hiring practices. They are so concerned that you "hit the ground running" that you'd think they weren't planning to be in business more than a few months.

Yes, you almost hit that one exactly. Just change that first part to "Employers 'do, in fact'".

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