
Story: Understanding the Zend FrameworkTotal Replies: 0
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Jun 30, 2006
3:35 AM EDT
This is a bunch of malarkey. I'm a PHP programmer. My day job consists of helpdesk management and some programming. (Most of the programming got outsourced to Brazil.) My night and weekend "job" is my startup company where I'm working with PHP on a web app. I have about as much incentive to jump on MVC and Zend Framework as I am to sleep in the freeway. I get far more done simply by /getting it done/ rather than goofing around reading all these frameworks, and trying to be logical. I use objects merely to collect together like methods. If someone wants to take my stuff and swap databases, they merely replace my database classfile. OOP programming can be overhyped too. Design patterns? Pffft. As long as I use a classfile to store all my HTML as "gadgets" that I can snap together on a page with object methods, rather than interspersing presentation layer, PHP code, over and over again in my pages, I have no need for Booch-type design patterns.

I consider RoR as no threat to my work, nor do I see AJAX. I see huge disadvantages to these in my opinion, so I don't even bother with them. It's more hype than truth. However, some people literally foam at the mouth with this stuff, so for them it might be useful.

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