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Story: Should FOSS supporters become consumer activists?Total Replies: 0
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Jul 29, 2006
12:12 PM EDT
In this new age of free and open source software, where marketing, politics and especially money are more important than code, real activism is seriously frowned upon. Today, when you do marketing almost exclusively, you're some sort of god; when you quietly code away, you simply don't exist; but when you do speak up, you will get actively ignored (if you're lucky).

Companies that do want to participate in the (today, underlying) dynamics of the free software they so often depend upon, are rather scarce. would be a very lonely place if companies pressreleases were filtered on the relevance and validity of the content and on general free software ethics of given business.

I'm actually amazed that this story gets reproduced here, as empty marketing releases that have nothing more to do with free software than "oh, we've also been thinking about linux, it'll do wonders for our margin" are not that uncommon. A simple change as Lxer approaching linuxdevices stories with more scrutiny would already make a big difference here.

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