Talk about missing the point

Story: Novell made the right decision even if for the wrong reasonsTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Aug 03, 2006
12:18 AM EDT
The author misses the point on many, many topics. Some choice quotes:

Quoting:"[this decision] gives the responsibility for drivers to the vendors, which is where it belongs", I am inclined to assume Novell made this decision to offload the burden of maintaining the proprietary drivers to the vendors, not to pressure the vendors to reconsider how they license their drivers.

Novell does not want to be responsible if binary kernel modules turn out to be illegal in court. See the OSL speech from a few days back.

Quoting:As far as I can tell, the NVidia driver doesn't even load a proprietary binary, such as firmware, in order to work.

Look harder.

Quoting:Most of the interesting stuff must take place in the Xorg modules and GL drivers, none of which would taint the kernel no matter how proprietary they may be.

The GL driver does taint the kernel. That's the binary blob.

Quoting:The kernel issue must revolve around this header in the NVidia driver source (emphasis mine): <snip from GPL'ed header>

Nope. It's about the binary blob.

etcetera, etcetera. Pretty poor if you ask me.

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