Smoke and mirrors to convince them?

Story: Oss offers cheaper, open source Windows alternativeTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Aug 03, 2006
9:00 PM EDT
Alternative to Windows indeed... all the arguments and Linux is only mentioned in small print at the end of the blurb... Does anyone else get a slimy feel from this marketing approach?

Aug 03, 2006
9:53 PM EDT

I get the feeling it is set up to very carefully counter MS FUD marketing. (Note the "one throat to strangle", for example). They counter all of MS's bullet points against Linux, while stressing "80% of the workforce" and "bulk of the workforce, call centres or administrative staff", then, as a kicker at the end, they say it's Linux. That just strengthens the growing distrust of what MS says. MS has harped on each of the points in the article, claiming Linux either didn't or couldn't provide those benefits to business.

The article, IMO, is like someone taking the competitor's sales-points list, going through it line by line, saying, 'yeah, we do that' for each one, including 'at 1/4th the price' , capped off with, 'oh, btw, we do it with exactly what they say can't do it, so maybe you should do the numbers yourself'.

Aug 03, 2006
10:07 PM EDT
> The article, IMO, is like someone taking the competitor's sales-points list, going through it line by line, saying, 'yeah, we do that' for each one, including 'at 1/4th the price' , capped off with, 'oh, btw, we do it with exactly what they say can't do it, so maybe you should do the numbers yourself'.

Not 'like ' grouch, it's exactly that. Maybe it is what's necessary to counter MS in the corporate marketplace. It does demonstrate how hooked corporations are on MS FUD.

Aug 04, 2006
3:03 AM EDT
jimf -

Relax, take a deep breath.

It's a sales pitch. It's not slimy, it's just goal-oriented.

Technology buyers, as opposed to implementers, shouldn't care so much about the technology as the results it delivers.

If I run a medium sized corporations, I need to know that my staff can get their work done, that our systems will be reliable, and that I won't be brought to my knees by the next big virus/worm/pick your favortie hacker attack.

The stuff could run on lemon Jello if it met my needs. Conversely, it could run on the greatest OS that mere mortals could ever hope to conjure and be useless to me if the business solutions aren't in place.

A pitch to me will focus on meeting my business needs.

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