good job, Jason Brooks

Story: Free to Be GPL 3?Total Replies: 18
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Aug 03, 2006
10:14 PM EDT
I think Jason Brooks did a very good job presenting the controversy and the concepts behind it, within the limits of the article. The only shortfall I can see is contained in the final paragraph:

>"On the other hand, they [Stallman and the FSF] can scale controversial provisions back (possibly making some optional) and hang onto the major free software projects that put the GPL on the map in the first place. The Linux kernel project, which Linus Torvalds has promised not to move to the GPL 3 as currently written, seems like a good place to start. "

This scaling back would be contrary to what Jason Brooks acknowledged earlier in the article, "[...] Stallman has never claimed to be anything less than a strident advocate for free software as an intrinsic good." Also, there is some doubt that Linux could be changed to GPL3 even if the final GPL3 becomes completely acceptable to Linus Torvalds.


Aug 04, 2006
2:56 AM EDT

>This scaling back would be contrary to what Jason Brooks acknowledged

I think you are making a logical error.

Being a strident advocate for a cause does not have to mean being an idiot about it. Stallman is a prime example.

Stallman does not believe in ownership of software IP. He believe it all should be free. If he truly wanted to be strident and stick by his guns, he would insist that all software be placed in the public domain.

That, however, would not achieve his goals. The GPL takes full advantage of the IP laws he dislikes to further his position. It is, in fact, a compromise with the real world to obtain a genuine good: substantially freer software.

And, of course, let us not forget the LGPL, a compromise accepted for GASP! the purpose of encouraging the use of free software. The L in LGPL was changed from Library to Lesser along the way, but it still let's people create binaries that can be distributed without source. Some fairly GNU prominent projects using LGPL include gtk+ (toolkit for GNOME) and gcc.

Aug 04, 2006
3:04 AM EDT
Quoting:but it still let's people create binaries that can be distributed without source.

Uh... IIRC the LGPL still requires you to distribute the source code of the LGPL'ed library. Just not teh source to the closed app that you dynamically link with it.

Aug 04, 2006
3:11 AM EDT
Sander -

Yes. Did I say something different?

Aug 04, 2006
3:12 AM EDT

I certainly said something ambiguous.

Thanks, sander.

Aug 04, 2006
3:28 AM EDT

I did trip myself, there. Thanks.

Aug 04, 2006
3:44 AM EDT
Surely that can't be the end of this. Where is the crisis and conflict? What are the rest of us supposed to do for entertaninment while the three of you are getting allong so freaking well? Huh?

Aug 04, 2006
3:49 AM EDT
I could always jump dinotrac about his cruelty to rat-dogs during his heart restarting ritual.

Aug 04, 2006
3:57 AM EDT
Well, it's a bit pedestrian. But I suppose it will do for now. Please proceed.

Aug 04, 2006
4:07 AM EDT
It is dinotrac's confessed cruelty to the nearly defenseless critter which is at the root of his most disagreeable rants above. His mad diatribe against the goodness of the LGPL may, in fact, stem from contracting rabies during his unsavory rituals involving the dog. Even if the hapless pet is vaccinated, dinotrac's forcing the animal to participate in these ceremonies, thereby robbing the pup of its natural right to freedom of choice, has undoubtedly resulted in seriously negative karma.

Aug 04, 2006
4:08 AM EDT
Quoting:Surely that can't be the end of this. Where is the crisis and conflict?

You really miss w3f, don't you :-)

Aug 04, 2006
4:10 AM EDT
He was my bud. :-)

Aug 04, 2006
4:18 AM EDT
I think Don just deleted one comment of his. I don't think he was banned. His comments pointing out non-free software were helpful; the blaming and sniping were not.

Aug 04, 2006
4:22 AM EDT

I'm sure he wasn't banned. And I'm quite sure he'll be back. I think of his visits as strafing runs. He shows up for a while, and then disappears for a while. Presumably, there are other forums out there that are as degenerate as we are.

Aug 04, 2006
4:36 AM EDT
Doesn't look like my trolling for paleolithitracs worked.

Aug 04, 2006
4:39 AM EDT
Either that or we have a very long and juicy message in the works. Dean doesn't type as fast as he used to. Think I have time to nuke some popcorn?

Aug 04, 2006
5:57 AM EDT
I just had a horrible thought. Dino could be in shock, frozen in front of his computer. I said, "Thanks" to him in a comment above.

Aug 04, 2006
6:00 AM EDT
Steve -

Dean has to take some time out for work now and then!!!

BTW - Jeffry (the aforementioned chihuahua, scientific name rat dog) is fine, though spending more time than he likes dodging joint compound and other assorted detritus of home remodeling.

Sometime when he's not looking up at me with those strange -- but oddly endearing - bulgy eyes of his, I''ll get him.

Yes I will.

Aug 04, 2006
6:03 AM EDT
Well, that was pretty paltry if you ask me. Go ahead and remodel. See if I care. Pffft!

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