that was a tough read...

Story: SWsoft Virtuozzo for Linux 3.0Total Replies: 9
Author Content

Sep 14, 2006
10:38 AM EDT
"Linux will always be unpopular on the desktop because it is in every way comparable to a fully revamped Hot Rod with an engine so large the car needs no hood, so long to assemble it can only be the work of die-hard mechanics and so difficult to drive it takes a pilot, not a driver."....

OK, I stumbled and lurched thru this diatribe and made it out the other side without suffering a friggin hemofridge. Thats a refrigerated hemroid for those think that I just can't spell. To the best of my knowledge, I can be credited with the creation of that word...I will get the IIIeeeeePeeeeee paperwork started post-haste. (tip of the hat to my ol' compadre there...)

Now. I don't want to give away the end, but those who read this site are smart enough to figure out where I've been and what I've been doing for themselves. I walked into my place of employment at 6 pm on a Friday night and between then and 4 oclock Sunday afternoon, I had successfully migrated every computer to linux, Apache and two mission-critical ftp servers. My boss...I mean THE boss, stayed with me the whole time, drinking in the process and successes we were having in getting this done. Oh, we drank the BeGeezous out of a half gallon of Old Grand Dad while we were at it. I like this guy...besides., he signs my check. The guy who filled his chair previously was fired for not knowing or caring anything about the IT aspect of the business.

I did nothing a first year IT Unix student couldn't have done. In Fact, and in front of my friends and colleagues, I will admit to feeling like a bit of a fraud. This was easy. Most everything is web-based and aside from keeping the ftp flow smooth, I will now have little to do. The actual network is as simple as it can get and what I did not know to do, I found readily on the spades.

Ahem, and your point is helios? You DID have one when you started typing didn't you?

Ah, yes. This "article", as fallacious as I found it to be, it began by asking you to accept the premise of the argument stated in the first paragraph of this...uh, novel.

It is not true and I proved it two weeks ago, then one week ago, then again last monday. In each office, I perched myself in a tucked-away corner to observe the "chaos" to ensue the following monday after an install-fest. It never did. Some, but few were disgruntled, a surprising number were pleased, but the most common response to the New Linux Desktop that greated them as they logged in?

"Hey, that's different". "Cool wallpaper"

So, in a way I am disappointed, but largely I am relieved. I am also here to state emphatically that "Linux will NOT be unpopular." It was a hit in Austin, Boise, Spokane and San Diego.

Looks like the author has only Gentoo'ed his way around Linux. You would think that from his inferrences.

Full account to come this weekend...I just need to play with my dogs and relax a bit.


Sep 14, 2006
11:08 AM EDT
Isn't this the same article you thought was Ubuntu-based before?


Are you seeing this too? Seems to me you both had that problem with this article before?

Sep 14, 2006
11:17 AM EDT
> "Hey, that's different". "Cool wallpaper"

Lol... With few exceptions, everyone loves eyecandy, and, It really is the first impression that pulls them in.

Maybe I can do a special wallpaper to push your service, that could be real effective.

You do have an 'unfair' advantage in these situations in that you don't have to overcome initial resistance of each user to just try Linux. Once the Boss is sold, they all must follow :D

> Looks like the author has only Gentoo'ed his way around Linux. You would think that from his inferrences.

I agree. Or Slack'ed around it maybe... The linux desktop, preferable KDE, but Gnome too, is certainly no more difficult to learn than the Windows one. We've seen that again and again.

Sep 14, 2006
11:19 AM EDT

Yeah, apparently helios is using the test version of LXer, and it has a bug. He's actually responding to "Why desktop Linux might not take off".

Sep 14, 2006
11:20 AM EDT
> Or Slack'ed around it maybe...

Hey, I resemble that remark. :) Slack uses a generic KDE installation, so if it's KDE you want, you've got it.

Sep 14, 2006
11:25 AM EDT
Ah, OK.

I thought maybe it was bug in PCLinuxOS.


Sorry. I couldn't resist.

You had to see it coming.

Sep 14, 2006
2:51 PM EDT
I am so glad I learned to quit drinking while reading our forums. Getting soda (your favorite liquid here) off the monitor screen can be a pain, not to mention all the ruined keyboards. Should LXer put a warning on the front page about that?

Sep 14, 2006
6:23 PM EDT

Sorry about the Slack remark, I just pounced on the pun, no real slight intended :)

Sep 14, 2006
6:35 PM EDT
> real slight intended...

None taken. Slackware isn't for everyone.

Sep 14, 2006
8:28 PM EDT
Yes, this mixed posting is madness...i am liking the presentation but it sure is switching the buggers out of posts.

Might be kind of fun, in a perverse sort of a puzzle.


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