Please read the comments as well

Story: Nice new routerTotal Replies: 0
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Sep 20, 2006
9:10 PM EDT
Seems that I have been maybe a bit over-enthusiastic, and not investigative enough. One of our readers pointed to pages and pages of user's comments about this one, so please read these as well before you go and order that thing.

It seems that the Firmware 1.0.20 addresses some of the complaints, but still - if they use Linux inside, then why should they offer the administration web sites and such as .aspx only? Makes not much sense IMHO.

Plus since Cisco is behind Linksys, I don't know if any of these new designs can be really trusted anyways - there is a reason they always promote and try to get their users to "upgrade" to the real Cisco stuff, hm?

cheers, wjl Hmmm - editing this thing makes the "br"s go away - and "p" and "/p" don't work, too.

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