this is so cool

Story: GPL passes acid test in German courtTotal Replies: 1
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Sep 24, 2006
11:37 AM EDT
And D-Link is teh suck, but we already knew that.

I'm impressed by the amount of work that went into this:

"Most of his time was spent in preparing evidence on the actual copyright infringement, which Welte shares, meant "looking at the original releases of msdosfs, initrd and mtd, the three parts of the Linux kernel, based on which I sued, from about a decade ago, and comparing the source code of those original versions with the actual source code present in the D-Link D-GSM600. Then highlighting line by line, function by function, which piece of what code can be found where, coloring blocks of code, etc. Apart from that we also had to read backlogs of the respective development lists, to find proof for details on the development process back then. Finally, both Werner Almesberger and David Woodhouse had to be asked about further details, like which pieces of code they wrote when, who contributed at which time and what part, and such details.""

Sep 24, 2006
4:17 PM EDT
I'm impressed by the sheer dedication required for one person to sit down & do all of that back-tracking successfully.

In corporate-land there would be lawyers & paid programmers carrying out the same checks. History says that they'd be carrying them out inaccurately, but here we get a simple "we're not mucking around" message loud & clear.

Now that they've got a simple, clear hit on a relatively obvious violation, I wonder which other transgressors have been lined up?

I also wonder who else will get the message "publish the code like it says & all will be well" & go on to actually publish?

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