Why yes, I do remember VSAM...

Story: SWsoft Virtuozzo for Linux 3.0Total Replies: 0
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Sep 25, 2006
6:06 AM EDT
As a matter of fact, I'm working on a project right now to replace a VSAM based system that has a CICS front-end with a DB2 based system that has a J2EE based front-end.

Of course DB2 uses VSAM underneath the hood. I would guess that most RDBMS systems use indexed files of some sort under the hood. That's why using an RDBMS is more resource intensive that using indexed files, because the RDBMS uses indexed files in a really fancy way.

However, solutions like SQL-Lite and SQL Anywhere offer some of the best features of RDBMS (not all, but some) without the overhead of going all the way.

Good enough for 80% of what you need.

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