The Sorry State of FUD OSWeekly

Story: The Sorry State of Operating SystemsTotal Replies: 0
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Sep 25, 2006
8:46 PM EDT
Apple users have a bad habit of ragging on Windows users about these fatal OS errors, and they need to be careful about what they say, especially since their beloved OS is open to crashes just like any other. If they think they are using a perfect OS, then they are wrong, and they will realize it soon enough. ----- This site is full of unsupported FUD that's said off hand like this.

----- Have you ever heard of or experienced the kernel panic screen in OS X? If not, the kernel panic screen is basically the OS X version of the BSOD in Windows, although, in typical Apple style, recent versions are much more attractive and helpful than those that are offered up from the competition. -----

I once saw a kernel panic on a Sun workstation at college. That was 13 years ago (1993) and when it happened we were expecting a typical windoze problem in terms of losing the last 3 hours of unreproducable work. amazingly all the work was saved in the CAD application we were heavily using and the computer rebooted and came back into X with us logged in. I've never had a better experience with a reboot.

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