With OSS the author is the customer?

Story: Open source projects out of sync with users says BEATotal Replies: 0
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Oct 09, 2006
4:00 AM EDT
My problem with this is always the assumption that billy bob bloggin the man in the street that uses the software is the customer. I think hold on if I write and release software I am typically doing it because of my need which makes me the customer. If they want me to write it for them they can pay me to use my time that way and set up a new producer customer relations ship.

The other comments have already expressed the customers other option, change the damn code or pay someone to! The second option there returning to my starting comment!

It boggles why anyone thinks that volunteers should be devoting their food and housing to exploiters who want to use it to make lots of money and don't seem willing to pay? I'm a huge advocate and believer in Free Software versus OSS and believe in the political but this strikes as clear misunderstanding of the Free!

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