This isn't journalism

Story: Oracle vs PHP - FUD and Ignorance in JournalismTotal Replies: 15
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Oct 10, 2006
8:52 AM EDT
Unfortunately, it's what passes for journalism these days. Passing gas is a more honorable and productive use of one's time.

I love this Bill Moyers piece It's long, and it's excellent. The closing quote is particularly apt:

"Serious, careful, honest journalism is essential, not because it is a guiding light but because it is a form of honorable behavior, involving the reporter and the reader." I second that. I believe democracy requires "a sacred contract" between journalists and those who put their trust in us to tell them what we can about how the world really works.

Oct 10, 2006
9:40 AM EDT
Darn right it's not fav idiotic line from this tripe:
Quoting:"We're not in the business of fixing, debugging, and maintaining a platform," Staheli says. "And, if you plug in a new open source component, you might break a component of your infrastructure." Since vAudit's model calls for 24/7 uptime, that's an unacceptable risk.

Yeah..because when you plugin an open source component, your entire network is at risk...right. Any IT person would see this for what it is...a boldfaced lie.

I've sent email to the editors of that site...not that it will matter.

Oct 10, 2006
9:59 AM EDT
I've practically given up responding to all the nonsense these "professional" websites are publishing. I've written more than enough in my blog about the abysmal quality of journalism lately. Where are the Woodward's and Bernstein's of IT journalism? Are the bloggers the only ones that provide some sensible information nowadays?

I've recently seen "Loose Change" and the gaps in their reasoning are only too obvious, but: they did their own original research, where the "usual" news channels published only what spin doctors and PR people were feeding them. Someone has got to ask these questions, especially where mega (IT) enterprises are involved. It's too sad for words.

Oct 10, 2006
10:27 AM EDT
I, too, sent the editors an e-mail about this article, so maybe it will make a difference. When enough people respond, the media have little choice but to react to that.

Oct 10, 2006
10:55 AM EDT
Serious, careful, honest journalism is essential, unfortunately, it's become the norm to present opinion as fact and to sensationalize the most trivial points. It's a top down policy fed by the official 'news' outfits based solely on profit motivation. The situation's getting worse as witnessed by Wolf Blitzer's comment in his Clintion interview that "we are the ones that 'make' the news"... So much for 'reporting', or any differentiation between opinion and fact.

Going to Blogs for information is almost worse, as, pretty much everything there is opinion and speculation. It's a free for all, with no way to tell what's real.

Essentially, the only protection a reader has is the honorable behavior of the Journalist or Reporter. As Don says "I am implying that LXer editors and writers must continually strive to keep the trust of our readers. Trust is precious.". So true Don. That's the only way one keeps a reputation of reader trust.

Oct 10, 2006
11:34 AM EDT
Quoting:Essentially, the only protection a reader has is the honorable behavior of the Journalist or Reporter. As Don says "I am implying that LXer editors and writers must continually strive to keep the trust of our readers. Trust is precious.". So true Don. That's the only way one keeps a reputation of reader trust.

I will state for all to hear that the Writers and Editors for LXer are 'harder' on ourselves and each other than anyone I know of. For as long as I have been here, LXer Editors have ALWAYS been the ones who call out the FUD that they see that passes for 'journalism' in our field of interest.

We are always talking about it with each other and policing the news-wire for it. I believe that LXer is 'barometer' so to speak in combating FUD. We'll show you the article and tell you if we think its FUD and tell you why.

I can only give you my solemn promise that I will not lie to you. I do not want to lie. Maybe that makes me different, I do not know. My reputation as an Editor and Writer is a part of me. The Pride I have in myself as an Editor/Writer for LXer feeds me as a human being. Breaking that promise would break me as a human, as Scott. I know of no other way to say this,

I have made many mistakes in life but the world will fall away before I cheapen myself in such a manner.


Oct 10, 2006
5:24 PM EDT
poll time: How many LXer readers know what Shinola is?

How many are antique enough to have actually used it?

Oct 10, 2006
5:38 PM EDT
> How many LXer readers know what Shinola is?

I'm one of the older guys here, I know what it means, but I don't think I've ever used it. It was passe even in my time.

Oct 10, 2006
5:44 PM EDT
It is Shoe Polish is it not?

Oct 10, 2006
6:09 PM EDT
Yeah, it's shoe polish. I've never used it either, but I know what it is.

Oct 10, 2006
11:01 PM EDT
Well actually, the phrase is 'giving it the old shinola', which means giving something the final polish, or more cynically, glossing something over. There's a less polite phrase, but I won't get into that one. Shinola was at one time a popular brand of shoe polish (1929 through the early 50s).

Oct 11, 2006
12:22 AM EDT
I have heard the expression: 'he doesn't know s**t from shinola' - which was paraphrased in the piece. Sort of like saying: 'he doesn't know his a** from his elbow', which was more common where/when I grew up. Though I remember this expression, I don't remember ever seeing the product Shinola.

I'm glad to see this piece. We really should be on the lookout and expose FUD and lies about Linux and Open Source/Free Software wherever and whenever we see them. And I have observed that the FUD is being disguised now - kind of like 'stealth FUD'.

Oct 11, 2006
6:12 AM EDT
Quoting:'he doesn't know s**t from shinola'

That's what I've heard as well. I think it stems from the fact that shinola was a black colored shoe polish that is canned and appears to be quite 'poo-like' and therefore could have been mistaken for poo and vice-versa (which is horrible for shoes everywhere)

If you're confused between the two, please see

Also, wikipedia has something (of course!):

Oct 11, 2006
8:15 AM EDT
Well, you guys do know your "sayings". I'm so proud!

Oct 11, 2006
8:24 AM EDT
And we know our bums from holes in the ground!

Oct 11, 2006
8:44 AM EDT
>> Well, you guys do know your "sayings". I'm so proud!

> And we know our bums from holes in the ground!

I've even succeeded in pooring liquid from a boot, thanks to some conveniently located instructions. :)

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