
Story: Iss extends support to Red HatTotal Replies: 11
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Oct 23, 2006
2:49 PM EDT
Quoting:Sixty-one percent of its customers are evaluating or migrating to a Linux environment, ISS said.

Yeah, that would be a good reason to port your product...

Oct 23, 2006
3:11 PM EDT
I'm convinced that the droids who parrot "thereisnotenoughdemandtosupportLinux" either are fibbing because they are crushed under the thumb of redmond, or are waaay out of touch with what their customers want, and are already doing. All them meelyuns of Linux, BSD, and Unix users are buying all kinds of stuff from somebody...

Oct 23, 2006
3:24 PM EDT
It's the whole Windows mentality tuxchick. I here it over and over again. Either they don't believe that there are enough customers, or, they are afraid they won't be able to make a profit in Linux.

Oct 23, 2006
3:34 PM EDT
I was talking with a Doctor today and we got to talking about what we do and I mentioned Linux and LXer and the first words out of his mouth were "I have heard that Linux use is fading"

FADING?!?!?! were my first thoughts, I refrained from all but scoffing at him (I was on the clock) and instead I told him that in fact it was growing in usage. I told him that Google uses Linux to run their search engine and then he asked me how people made money with it. I went into how people and companies cay pay for service on that software if they chose too.

I tried to find out from him where he heard this but did not get the time.

Oct 23, 2006
3:40 PM EDT
> "I have heard that Linux use is fading"

I recently heard the same (identical phrase) from the manager of the local Radio Shack. I suspect that's the latest FUD tactic from our friends at MS. I wonder if anyone else has heard this recently.

Oct 23, 2006
3:45 PM EDT
Well, there is some truth to that, actually. Everyone is switching to that Ubuntu thingamabob. Or haven't y'all heard? :-p Linux? Ha!

Oct 23, 2006
3:48 PM EDT
Scoffers. I bailed on Linux years ago. I run mainly Fedora and Debian now.

Oct 23, 2006
3:50 PM EDT
Or haven't y'all heard? :-p Linux? Ha!

Scoffers. I bailed on Linux years ago. I run mainly Fedora and Debian now.


You two are terrible! ;-)

I have to tell you, I almost laughed right in his face! But that would have been bad for me, very bad..

Oct 23, 2006
4:10 PM EDT
I woulda laughed. Seriously. It's like the time the IT director on my full-time job said that all this FOSS stuff was going to go back to being proprietary. That's when I explained to him that the GNU GPL, used by the majority of the projects, prevents exactly that. I figure the worst that can happen is that he can ensure I never administer his beloved Windows boxes.

> You two are terrible! ;-)

I try.

Oct 23, 2006
4:14 PM EDT
Its funny you say that, I explained the same thing to the Doctor.

"Once you make it free, you can't make it un-free" Its bad English but it got the point across. I hope.

Oct 23, 2006
4:21 PM EDT
So Scott, you avoided having him bring out the 'really big' needle ;-)

Oct 23, 2006
4:39 PM EDT
I walked right into that..LOL!

Actually he was the owner of the house I was installing automatic gates for his driveway at. He was from South Africa originally but had been in the states for about twenty years or so.

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