Very interesting

Story: Merging corporations with co-ops and open sourceTotal Replies: 0
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Oct 24, 2006
6:35 AM EDT
I must say that the co-op idea is very appealing to me. Upon first sight it looks very suitable for some of the larger Linux distributions. With a co-op model you would not need to split a distro in a commercial part (business benifits, making money) and a community part (ensuring continuation of the source, cooperation. Usually in foundation form). The co-op model seems to offer the best of both worlds.

It also seems like a reasonable match for e.g. community distros like Debian, giving it a corporate bat to swing with. Although I doubt that the protection and tax benefits of a foundation would make it worth it in that case.

It reminds me a bit of the oddball construction I set up for my own (spare-time) company. Dutch laws do not inhibit a foundation from operating commercially and making profits. It only prevents a foundation from giving away cuts of the profit to people (but you can still earn a salary and things). When me and my partner were shopping for a business model that kept out private assets separate from our company assets we came up with the "commercial foundation" setup we now have (full-blown corporations offer the same asset protection, but require EUR 40.000 starting capital by law)

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