questioning the community

Story: Ubuntu should reconsiderTotal Replies: 2
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Nov 13, 2006
12:11 PM EDT
That's a disturbing article to me as an Ubuntu user. I started a thread on Ubuntu Forums to get the community's input.

Nov 13, 2006
4:44 PM EDT

just use gnewsense and you're fine.

Nov 13, 2006
5:40 PM EDT
Or Debian. Or Fedora. Or Ututo. Or BLAG.

Better yet, write the devs and tell them you're mad. If enough people cry foul, they'll back off and not make it by default, or at least make it a choice at install. I prefer to use the alt install CD, and then you won't be bothered by that foolishness...or at least you should be able to control it.

I'm not so bothered by it, but I surely understand your point of view. Wouldn't it be nice for Ubuntu to "adopt" gNewSense as their totally free alternative? Or something along those lines. There's no reason for this to be by default. Even some people who want the 3D don't want the effects. I used it with SUSE for a while, and it was cool, but then it got old. I would choose to go without.

If this one response it true:

" Originally Posted by jamyskis View Post There will probably be a script built-in to the installation process which will detect if the computer has hardware for which there are 3D drivers (Intel, NVIDIA or ATI) and consequently install them together with XGL, otherwise leaving the whole 3D thing out.

Yeah... the spec for this is on launchpad and approved.

The installer should detect your cards, ask you whether you want to install any available proprietary software.

If your hardware's good enough for composite, it'll turn it on."

Then there's not so much of a problem. Hope it's true.

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