Microsoft patent pledge 'worse than useless'

Story: Novell and Microsoft: Working for or against Linux?Total Replies: 5
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Nov 17, 2006
10:09 AM EDT
Quoting:Now the Software Freedom Law Centre has warned, in an open letter to developers, that the pledge is "worse than useless". Not only does the pledge only apply to single developers working in isolation – the opposite of traditional open source working methods – but it can be revoked at any time, the group warned.

Nov 17, 2006
10:37 AM EDT
This is actually a good thing - this excellent example of what happens when you try to make nice with microsoft will be a warning to all others who might foolishly contemplate any kind of partnership with the monkey boy and the monopoly.

heh - monkey boy and the monopoly, great name for a band...

Nov 18, 2006
2:04 PM EDT
The pledge is something like "if you develop software for yourself and don't show it to anyone, we won't sue you". That's like Castro saying "you can make counter revolutionary political speech critical of me as long as you make it at home and don't let your wife or kids hear it". I mean, I can go piss in the reservoir as long as I don't tell anyone.

Nov 19, 2006
8:52 AM EDT
Um, this _is_ a family-friendly website. Let's drop the crude language, please.

Nov 19, 2006
2:29 PM EDT
Sorry rev., I modified it.

Nov 20, 2006
7:07 AM EDT
Thanks. :-)

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