What's the big story?

Story: Vista, Linux and OS X benchmarkingTotal Replies: 8
Author Content

Dec 10, 2006
2:42 PM EDT
Er.. sorry, but why is this story made "today's big story" exactly? I'm just curious.

It rants about new 3DMark for Vista and then adds some bits on support for OS X and GNU/Linux just to conclude that we wont have it.

Not only that we basically get absolutely nothing out of the story except the recognition of the fact that 3DMark loves Microsoft (and its DirectX) while completely ignoring the open standard that is OpenGL, but 3DMark is proprietary software anyway.

The story pretty much just ends up sending a "Linux (and OSX) ain't for gaming" signal to the ignorant readers, something that's not exactly true.

What gives?

Dec 10, 2006
2:53 PM EDT
Maybe it's a slow time of day, and the three people who clicked on the story were enough to kick it into the 'Today's Big Story' box. :)

Dec 10, 2006
3:18 PM EDT

Now that's the right way to ask: What is this story doing here?

Unlike certain other posters we could mention (but won't, for the sake of all concerned).

Dec 10, 2006
3:39 PM EDT
"Unlike certain other posters we could mention (but won't, for the sake of all concerned)."

Funny, I get a faint brimstone hit just thinking about 'certain other posters'....

Dec 10, 2006
3:49 PM EDT
> Funny, I get a faint brimstone hit just thinking about 'certain other posters'....

I thought you might. :)

Dec 11, 2006
7:39 AM EDT
I wouldn't have thought of associating him with any 'others'. Libervis has always done contributed greatly to the discussions around here, imo. People may disagree with him, but he's never been out to attack anyone. The response is a bit condescending, imo.

Libervis comes from the Free Software perspective, and he only defended a certain person's arguments, not the behavior. I really don't see the need to congratulate Libervis for doing what he always does - contributing thoughtfully to our discussions. I agree that it's nice, but it's also normal for him.

My $0.02

Dec 11, 2006
7:50 AM EDT
> My $0.02

Well, the point was intended as a compliment. I thought he did an excellent job of pointing out the shortcomings of the article and questioning it's intent, without attacking LXer's editorial policies or decisions in the process. All in all, a far better critique than I could have done, and I thought he deserved a compliment on it.

Dec 11, 2006
8:27 AM EDT
Fair enough. I misread sometimes, or read too much into things. I'm Sorry I took you the wrong way.

Dec 11, 2006
10:36 AM EDT
Heh, thanks. :)

Much better story of the day now. :P

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