long way to go

Story: Nouveau: glxgears on NV4xTotal Replies: 5
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Jan 28, 2007
9:40 AM EDT
This reminds me of Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman in "The long way round": At this stage in their journey they are getting 300-400 f/s from glxgears, while they could probably get 8000 f/s by installing the nvidia binary driver.

Good luck to them, I hope they can narrow the performance gap to some degree, and supply all the other functionality of the binary driver. I signed up for the pledge, since it's always good to have choice.

Jan 28, 2007
8:39 PM EDT
All of you nvidia addicts are going the wrong way.

Back in the bad old days, you bought a computer from a vendor. The only software that ran on that computer came from that same vendor. Customers stood up on their hind legs and fought back and eventually freed themselves from vendor lock-in.

Today, we still have a lot of software lock-in. One outfit in Redmond, WA is currently in court attempting to explain why they were spitting out extraneous error messages when others' operating systems were used to run their software.

Now, you nvidia addicts are falling for the same thing, and for what? Computer games. Gahd!

Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Jan 28, 2007
9:56 PM EDT
Scoff at computer gaming if you want, but it's big business. Scratch that, *huge* business. A platform that cannot handle the performance demands of the current market will fall behind, whether the performance problems are touted as "freedom" or whatever.

The thing is, linux is a nice gaming platform. It is capable of reliable, sustained, low latency multitasking, and as such it plays 3D FPS games marvellously.

Free drivers are ideal, so the noveau project is worthwhile. To be realistic though, at this point the intel graphics are probably the best bet all around. They can do the 3D stuff, the eye candy, the gaming and multimedia, and the drivers are 100% FOSS and already in the linux kernel.

Jan 28, 2007
10:22 PM EDT
I am just hoping that they (Intel) quickly finish their discreet 3D graphics card that can handle Doom3-esqe performance levels. I'll buy one to replace my GF 6600GT in a heartbeat.

Jan 29, 2007
1:53 PM EDT

Maybe this answers our wish: http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37249

Err... maybe not ;-)

Jan 29, 2007
3:32 PM EDT
Well, The inquirer answered that best

Quoting:Well, it's better than "no comment". Just.


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