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Story: Is OLPC Putting a Band-Aid on a Gaping Wound?Total Replies: 7
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Mar 21, 2007
5:12 PM EDT
The critics of OLPC all have one thing in common- disdain based in envy. What do they think, that OLPC is taking business away from them? Impoverished kids with limited access to power would buy Vista or Linspire if only it weren't for that awful OLPC project? Kids shouldn't use PCs anyway- something simple and durable is appropriate, not something fragile and expensive.

These dopes bleat about 'innovation.' Gates and Carmony know nothing about innovation. Intel should, but they're so enslaved to MS their perspective is blocked by Billg's backside. Truly these are people of tiny vision and heart.

Mar 21, 2007
5:30 PM EDT
"Those with the top-of-the-muffin computers are expecting others to be satisfied with just e-mail and other lightweight tasks."

Well, I'd rather have the muffin top than go hungry. I don't think they realize Seinfeld was a comedy. It did not always portray reality exactly. Like when the homeless shelter refused a book because it had been in the bathroom.

OLPC is much better than the computers donated by any of these "individuals" (I'll be nice).

What's not funny is the hardware requirements for Vista, that will only increase the digital divide and thwart the development of the economies of the poorest countries. That is a good inspiration for Linux distributions to work on low-end hardware. We need more projects like the OLPC, not less.

Sorry, I kind of go through the roof when I see garbage like this, because I know too many people from the nations OLPC will help.

Mar 21, 2007
5:40 PM EDT
Linux Insider is having to dig deeper and deeper into the barrel to find muck to rake about Linux.

Hmm, lets bash a project to create tools for impoverished children in third world countries. It will please our masters if we do.

The OLPC laptop is much more powerful than the sinclairs I first started with for $99.00 dollars. They are more powerful than the Apple II or the Comodore 64's many people started with.

The OLPC laptops are more powerful than the computers Unix was created on, or the computers that the apollo capsule used to get to the moon and back.

The true power lies in the creative works of millions of young people that will be given a new channel for expression. This is the kind of disruptive event that ended the dark ages in Europe.


Mar 21, 2007
7:03 PM EDT
These naysayers of the OLPC project should follow the Roman Rule:

The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it.

In other words - step up to the plate and *do* something positive, or get out of the way and quit whinging.

Mar 21, 2007
7:27 PM EDT
Most settle for "part of the muffin". Is your glass half empty or half full?

Mar 22, 2007
2:55 AM EDT
quote:: Is your glass half empty or half full? ::quote

Depends on whether I'm emptying it or filling it.

Mar 22, 2007
5:49 AM EDT
tracyanne, I'd say neither - it's obvious that the glass is the wrong size.

Mar 22, 2007
5:51 AM EDT
Who drinks out of a glass anyway? I get my liquid from cans!

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