This is thinkin'...

Story: IT Confidential: Why Software, And Beer, Should Be FreeTotal Replies: 5
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Mar 24, 2007
5:58 PM EDT
Since my political party has asked me to retrain twice in one lifetime in order to get on board the "global economy", I find this piece darkly humorous. OK, let me see if I got this straight. You "outsource" my first job, encourage me to "repurpose" my efforts and attitude and retrain for another job. Is that right so far?

OK, by the time I retrain, the backlash/delayed consequence of NAFTA kicks in and I find myself in the same boat AGAIN? No gets better. The "Jobs Americans won't do" are all I have to peruse on a gloomy Sunday Morning, but guess what? Those jobs are REALLY jobs Americans CAN'T do. Those who could not benefit from NAFTA directly are working for those "Legal" Mexicans (oh, excuse me...undocumented citizens) who could benefit. And we are a few votes away from just giving away to them my birthright?

Manufacturing is gone, mining and timber have been hijacked by Barbara Boxer et al, and I will receive a stiffer prison sentence for drilling an oil well than I would should I decide to "nut-up" and rob a Starbucks. You have to speak Arabic and tote a prayer rug around to drive a cab...Software engineering was about the only "American" occupation left and this friggin' San-Fran-Nan disciple wants to deep 6 those.

I think I want a drink. It's been 22 years since the last one.


obligatory, politically correct disclaimer: I kid...such a kidder I am. Oy...

Mar 25, 2007
10:52 AM EDT
Lol, I've done essentially the same rant numerous times, but never better than you just did it....

Mar 25, 2007
11:06 AM EDT
I shall hoist a tall, cold, foamy healthy shake on your behalf, Helios. :) Milk, yogurt, fruit, brewer's yeast, lecithin, and bit of non-instant powered milk. Rocket fuel in a glass. And no hangover, unless you go nuts and turn over your entire garden in one day and wake up the next morning going "ow, stiff, hurt, why am I not 20 years old anymore."

Mar 25, 2007
11:09 AM EDT
couldn't agree more - well said

sometimes I feel like I am looking at the world through some kind of reversed polarized glasses and nothing makes sense that I see or hear any more and I can't translate it if my life depended upon it.

our country has gone far beyond the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method all in the name of economic progress and keeping the federal reserve happy.

Mar 25, 2007
11:40 AM EDT
"I shall hoist a tall, cold, foamy healthy shake on your behalf, Helios. :) Milk, yogurt, fruit, brewer's yeast, lecithin, and bit of non-instant powered milk. Rocket fuel in a glass."

"Rocket Fuel"? Is THAT what we are calling it now? OK, TC...I suppose in a free society we are allowed to rename most anything we like. It can happen fast though...I went to bed one night with *illegal aliens invading my country*. I woke up the next morning to find that they were in reality *Undocumented Citizens Migrating into Prosperity*

Sorry...I am wearing the rant down to a nub. Anyway, back to your "rocket fuel". I am assuming since you do mention that this substance is held in a glass, that you are putting it in your mouth as the primary intake portal? You are my friend so I feel the need to be protective of you and issue a warning. I am a retired soldier who spent 20 years blowing things up. If you should for any reason decide to add two grams or more of garlic powder to that concoction, the explosion will bring down a mature Redwood and defoliate a two hundred square foot area into micro-cinders.

But hey...who am I to judge...



Mar 25, 2007
12:03 PM EDT
> nothing makes sense that I see or hear any more and I can't translate it if my life depended upon it.

Same here, but, I strongly suspect that it does....

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