since no-votes are not wanted by MS

Story: Microsoft calls on UK public to raise the Office standardTotal Replies: 1
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Apr 05, 2007
4:57 AM EDT
why not create a another vote, calling for the XML Office format to _not_ be adopted as standard by the ISO?

Looks like MS is not so convinced of the merits of its own format when it is starting an online petition. Getting nervous?

Apr 05, 2007
6:11 AM EDT
Strikes me MS are very clever.

So many people I know would be inclined to go along because they are ignorant of what an international standard means. They just don't think enough to have an awareness of any reasons why making Microsoft the actual standard might not be (isn't) a good thing. Such people look at me like a harmless eccentric crank if I attempt to explain or encourage them to reason it for themselves by asking them questions in the hope they will form their own opinion and actually have one that has any basis.

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