He's pretty smart

Story: Dell-linux Marriage: Desktop Prominence Or Five-Year Setback?Total Replies: 17
Author Content

Apr 10, 2007
1:16 PM EDT
"Surveying the likelihood of failure for Dell's venture, Enderle points out that Linux users, by their nature, tend to buy at the lowest price points."

Linux users buy the hardware they want/need from the vendor with the lowest price. I believe that in ECON 101 it's called the law of demand. Trust me, it's not unique to the Linux market. Otherwise it wouldn't be called the law of demand.

It's totally irrelevant whether someone is buying low-end hardware, underwear, vehicles, or chopsticks. If Dell can sell the package customers want at the lowest price, they'll make the sale. If Dell is inefficient, and another company like HP can do it cheaper, HP will make the sale. Every company needs profit margins.

I'm not going to read his blog.

Apr 10, 2007
1:35 PM EDT
Enderle wants customers who don't act rationally i.e. prefer low prices and an OS that actually works as advertised and isn't loaded with trojans. The guy is an idiot as has been said many times here....

Apr 10, 2007
1:45 PM EDT
If you look at the prices at the prominent Linux hardware distributors, such as System76, Penguin Computing, Emperor Linux, etc, I think you'll find that Linux users tend to think more towards the high end than the low, at least overall. There is a segment that enjoys being able to use lackluster hardware far more efficiently than they can with Windows, but more of use like having crankin' hardware that we can use far more efficiently than we can with Windows. Then there are the ones who like using older hardware far more efficiently than they can with Windows.

I think Dell will have better luck (and higher profits) targeting the mid-to-high range hardware segment...not to say, however, that they won't have luck with the cheap stuff.

BTW, shouldn't we be tagging this as FUD? :)

Apr 10, 2007
1:53 PM EDT
> BTW, shouldn't we be tagging this as FUD? :)

I lied in my post above. I did read the blog post. I don't think it even classifies as FUD. It's an extremely desperate guy grasping for straws, or anything that resembles a straw. Take this one:

"People asking legitimate questions can be personally attacked and recently a related blogger got death threats for being too nice. This last actually made it to CNN for coverage."

He just needs to give up. He's looking really stupid to anyone who actually reads what he writes.

Apr 10, 2007
1:59 PM EDT
> He's looking really stupid to anyone who actually reads what he writes.

Don't underestimate the competition. Enderle is biased, but he's not stupid.

Apr 10, 2007
2:25 PM EDT
I think its great that his picture is bigger than the amount of content in the article.

I am sick of seeing his self serving (and as far as I am concerned questionable) Bio at the end of everything he "writes".

President..Principle analyst..Only Employee..Suck-up..Shill..

I feel better now..


Apr 10, 2007
2:35 PM EDT
"...Linux users, by their nature, tend to buy at the lowest price points."

Translated into everyday English: "... Linux users, by their nature, know a little bit more about computer technology than the average consumer, so it is more difficult to get them to buy useless, expensive or poor quality products. This sucks."

Apr 10, 2007
2:55 PM EDT
Wow, what a tough crowd. Enderle Group really is a group- his wife is on the payroll. Or least he has a photo of a woman that he says is his wife.

You'll notice the 'article' is on PR Web. Pay a fee and you too can be a famous article publisher on PR Web!


Apr 10, 2007
2:59 PM EDT
> least he has a photo of a woman that he says is his wife.

Oh!... Now that's 'really' cynical.

Apr 10, 2007
3:40 PM EDT
Cynical, realistic; tomato, tomahto.


Apr 10, 2007
5:35 PM EDT
Yeah TC, I wouldn't recommend wading into the waters here without shark repellent. ;-)

Apr 10, 2007
6:02 PM EDT
Quoting:Enderle is biased, but he's not stupid.

I don't know about him, but his articles are master pieces of idiocy & stupidity.

I am not in favor of preventing anyone from being stupid, but I would boycott stupidity by not linking to such articles.

We all wasted our time and gave him clicks. For the sake of others who didn't see it yet, I am in favor of removing this thread. Anyone else?

Apr 11, 2007
4:12 AM EDT

How can anybody say ol' RE ain't smart?

He got us reading an article that says Dell is either going to succeed or fail with Linux. He also said that it will be good for Linux on the desktop if Dell succeeds and bad for Linux on the desktop if Dell fails.

The only controversial item there is the consequences of Dell failing with it's Linux initiative. I think it's like the old flack's motto -- There's no such thing as bad publicity.

So, here's what I think:

Dell is either going to succeed or fail with desktop Linux.

Brilliant, eh?


Apr 11, 2007
4:58 AM EDT

You just proved our point. Enderle is a moron. "Dell is either going to succeed or fail with desktop Linux"

Well duh!

No content article gets lots of notice doesn't equal smart it equals cunning. Huge difference.

Apr 11, 2007
5:08 AM EDT
>No content article gets lots of notice doesn't equal smart it equals cunning.

There's also a huge difference between cunning and moron.

If I had to make a guess, I would guess that a cunning person is more likely to be smart than stupid.

Apr 11, 2007
6:32 AM EDT
I often build my own systems. The last system I bought from a vendor was from a Linux vendor(Pogo).

I bought a near high-end desktop. Amd 64 2800, 2GB ram, 2 200 GB SATA disks, DVD, CD/RW, 128 MB video card, 10/100/100 ethernet.

For two or three years ago that was pretty nice.

Most of the people in my neighborhood were buying the cheapest e-machines at the local Microcenter to run WinXP, or Expensive Sony VAIO's that had specs not much better than the cheap e-machines.

One school teacher down the street bought a G4 Mac. (That's a sweet machine).

I'm expecting people to come bugging me this summer about their botched upgrades to Vista.

I think we just need to make a Lamboghini laptop that goes 'Vroom' when it starts up Linux, and Enderle will be so blown away that he will finally give up on his ferrari/Windows fetish.

Apr 16, 2007
12:22 AM EDT
Quoting:I think we just need to make a Lamboghini laptop that goes 'Vroom' when it starts up Linux, and Enderle will be so blown away that he will finally give up on his ferrari/Windows fetish.

Make it a Bugatti Veyron laptop - 8.0-litre W16,1001 horsepower (736kW @ 6000rpm) capable of at least 450km/h. 0 to 100km/h in 2.9 seconds.

Apr 16, 2007
4:00 AM EDT
Oh no!

Don't tell me we're going to argue over whether inis or attis are better!

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