Weird headline...

Story: Is a closed-source version of Ubuntu practical?Total Replies: 1
Author Content

Apr 17, 2007
7:58 AM EDT
Why is this headline 'Is a closed-source version of Ubuntu practical?' when the article is titled 'Is a Completely Free Ubuntu Practical?'.

I don't think either is practical, but I just found that switch weird...

Apr 17, 2007
8:12 AM EDT
It may not be practical, depending on what you mean by that term, but it is necessary for Ubuntu to survive.

It's one thing to have a free distribution and then add proprietary software to it. It's another thing entirely to have a nutjob like Mark Shuttleworth tell users he is in charge and will decide what proprietary software is and is not installed.

Will it have many users? Probably not. Nonetheless, Ubuntu needs to pretend to care about free software if they don't want to lose their user base. (I know, most users install proprietary software anyway, but many prefer to control what is on their computer.)

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