I don't know about that...

Story: Is Microsoft's monopoly kaput?Total Replies: 1
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Apr 27, 2007
7:03 AM EDT
I understand the article and everything and it looks like MS is not doing too well, but just yesterday, I was reading about them exceeding their revenue estimates from all the people using their Vista vouchers from last year and everything.

I think media and more cross platform apps like OpenOffice are the things which might get non users to be comfortable with the idea of switching away from Windows.

Apr 27, 2007
5:05 PM EDT
Sitting back with a smug look on our faces and declaring MS dead after sucessfully installing the latest Ubuntu or any Linux Distro is just ignorant. Bill's Evil Empire is not going away anytime soon. Between the Gates Foundation laying the groundwork, and MS continuing to promote and market, by whatever means, MS is still the established bully on the block. We're in for a long and uncertain fight for any kind of real and lasting market influence.

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